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How to Organize Your Garage

Even the more disciplined among us have a few packrat tendencies that spring up in certain areas of the home. Like, for instance, the garage.

Ahhh, the garage…the land of half-empty cans of paint, a sea of sports equipment and boxes of…um…does anybody even remember what’s in those boxes? Your garage may be a mess that you try to ignore as you run from the car into the house, or a full-scale disaster that has eaten your parking space completely! Take it back and make it behave as it should for your car, your kids’ stuff, and your home and garden tools.

Do you have other areas to declutter? Don’t miss our Home Organization 101 Series!

1. Divide the garage into zones for maximum organization.

Garage cabinets

2. Hang recycling bins on the wall to save floor space.

Wall recycling bins

3. Pegboards are essential for storing hand tools. 

Hanging tool storage

4. Create a “mud room” space by the back door.

Garage cubes

5. Not enough space on the floor or walls? Use the ceiling!

Ceiling storage bins

6. Use clearly labeled see-through bins to maximize cabinet and shelf storage.

Labeled plastic bins

7. Tame those bikes and trikes.

Bike rack

8. Corral garden tools in minimal space using a discarded pallet.

Garden tool rack

9. Create a home for sports equipment.

Mobile shelving unit

10. When in doubt, remember: get it off the floor and up on the wall.

                  Install Shelving

Dana Hall McCain writes about marriage, parenting, faith and wellness. She is a mom of two, and has been married to a wonderful guy for over 18 years.


Do you know where your sports equipment and outdoor toys should be stored? How can you help the family keep our garage neat and organized?

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